The day my son, Kylan, was born was the best day of my life. I was instinctively protective, and the thought of even letting anyone else hold him was uncomfortable for me. Although the doctors told me to get some sleep when the baby slept, I would just stare at him while he had his eyes closed, just wanting to admire the miracle that my husband and I created.
I still cannot get enough of my sons. I teach fitness classes, and during the times that I teach, I leave my boys in the day care facility of the gym. I have that hour to myself while I'm teaching, but I always feel a pull toward my sons immediately following class- like I can't get back to them quick enough.
Although being a parent isn't always sunshine and smiles, I'd imagine most moms naturally miss their children while they're separated from them. Unfortunately, I'd imagine WRONG. In fact, there are actually moms out their that itch to drop their children off at day care or to let someone else take care of their babies.
It would kill me to know that my boys would rather stay with Brenda the daycare lady then to come home with their own flesh and blood. Every second that I'm separated from my boys, whether I'm working or just quickly doing an errand, I'm instinctively hurrying to get back to supervise and take care of my own children. I understand that everyone can't stay home with their kids, but the moms I know that work daily still count the minutes to when their children are back in their care. Then there are the moms that I don't know and don't CARE to know.
These are the moms that can just hand their children over to anyone. They are the moms that stay out all night long, sometimes for days. They are mothers who are annoyed by their children, who loathe to have to dress them and feed them. They are the moms that put having drinks at a local dive bar until 2am is of greater importance than reading Click, Clack, Moo before their little ones drift off to sleep. They are the mothers that leave their children home alone while they do their own thing. These moms feel that they are letting the excitement of their own unfulfilled lives outweigh the importance of paying attention and LOVING their children. And these children suffer from this neglect for years and years.
Recently there was an article in the paper about a woman who dropped her four-month-old off on a doorstep. When the police tracked her down and asked her why she left her son on the porch of a stranger's house, she replied, "Because I didn't want him anymore." I hope that little boy never has to be around that woman again for the rest of his life, because he deserves a mom to love every inch of him, for every second of every day, because that's what every child deserves. Unfortunately, a baby has no say in who becomes his or her mother.
Hi there! I'm new here! I love this post though. I feel the same way about my daughter as you do your sons. If my husband ever takes her out and I'm home alone I get this empty feeling that I've never felt before and always tell him to make sure they're not out too long! Haha! It's like a magnetic force that attaches a mother to her children. Or, at least, Mom's like us.
i feel the same way you do about leaving my kids..i NEVER leave them..and today was drew's first day of school..i felt horrible when he was crying for me..horrible, horrible...but when i picked him up he said he liked it and wants to go back tomorrow..not having him with me was the strangest feeling! i hated it :( ...i'm a mom who has her kids with her everywhere i go..they are my kids..no one elses..i don't want others raising them!
the gyms..funny that most parents run from the rooms to go work out..they want a minute to themselves..well actually hours..then when they pick them up they say to the kids..lets go to the eagle's nest...um hello..weren't your kids just thrown in here..and now you're going to stick them in there??! i HATE that!
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