Monday, August 25, 2008

Are you there God? It's me, Ky and Digby's Mom.

I always lay down beside my two-year-old son, Kylan, for about twenty minutes until he drifts off to sleep, although there are nights where he falls off to sleep by himself. I enjoy our quiet time together, and especially the conversations we have just before he nods off.

The other night, I slithered toward the door because I thought he had fallen asleep, and was startled by his little voice.

"Mommy, can we say prayers?"

I told him that we could, of course, as I'd forgotten to say them that night! We usually ask God to watch over our family, and I go through the list of family, and then of close friends. I always ask Kylan if he can think of anyone else he wants to say a prayer for. Then, I always end the prayer with, "Always be kind and love one another."

At the end of our prayers that night, Ky asked, "Mom, who's God?"

Holy Heck! What a question from a two year old. I tried to keep my explanation short and to the point, but I wasn't really sure of the answer myself, so my answer was probably more confusing to Kylan than anything else.

"Well, God is this, uh, being who watches over all of us on earth. Earth is the planet we live on. See, there are these things called planets- we'll talk about that later. So God loves us more than you can ever imagine and wants us to be loving, too, just like him... or her."

Ky responded with, "He's a man."

I said, "He could be."

He came back with, "He lives in heaven."

Surprised, I replied, "Yes, he does."

I don't remember telling Ky about heaven, although maybe I've read a story about heaven or mentioned it before. It just goes to show how absorbent our children are, and although I'm open to Kylan choosing his own faith, I think it's important to introduce our little ones to some kind of faith. I know that having my faith and some spirituality has helped me find direction, and it always shines it's search light bright when I start to lose course. I want to teach my children to know to look for that light when they need it, for any reason at all- that God is always there to talk to, and if you listen carefully, he'll answer you.

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